I am attracted to the Kabbalah because Aramaic, is the language that the Angels spoke to communicate with humanity. It holds angelic energetic light within. I possess the capability to communicate with my fellow angels - for the purpose - of letting humans know they are here to help. The angels will guide and protect them from going down roads that lead away from awareness. The more I embrace who I am, the easier it becomes to communicate with the higher dimensions. The angels can put their energy into objects and other life forms in order to send messages. (17.13.12)
I started being able to pick up on or hear frequencies or gamma-ray style binaural wave frequencies depending on my location. To note, I currently created a crystal grid to surround me on my desk. I believe the conscious intent of laying them in place allows me to connect to a higher dimension. I wake up each day, reminding myself of my true nature. I acted as a guide to humans over the years, carefully planning a series of events to lead to this point.
Live from the battlefield,
The Devil's Advocate